The Greatest Show On Earth


Mission Statement

“The Outdoor Media Centre and associated members are committed to achieving the highest possible standards in environmental management in order to reduce the impact of outdoor advertising activities on the environment.”
For a full copy of the Outdoor Media Centre Environmental Code please click here. 

All media owners within the Outdoor Media Centre are very conscious of the huge importance of protecting the Environment as much as they possibly can and, as such, make every effort to ensure that this is taken into consideration in the operational aspects of their business. Indeed it is a matter of some pride that one of our members has been voted into the top 50 Green companies by the Sunday Times.

Listed below are examples of some of the actions taken by our members to protect the Environment:

  • Use of LPG vehicles for Operational staff.
  • Vehicles fitted with GPRS
  • Turning off illumination during the night to reduce energy consumption
  • All panels are WEEE (Waste, Electrical, Electronic Equipment) compliant
  • Use of energy efficient light bulbs for illuminated panels
  • Bus frames are manufactured from 90+% recyclable material
  • Use of solar powered bus shelters
  • Recycling of fluorescent tubes
  • The fitting of LED lighting solutions, photo electric cells and timers to help reduce the carbon footprint
  • Only use printers who have an environmental policy in line with ISO:14001
  • Only use FSC approved paper fibre sources
  • Use of 100% recyclable posters

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Design By Mission