Hundreds of PrimeLocation branded taxis brought to the streets of London by Ubiquitous

Leading property website has announced it is working with taxi advertising specialists Ubiquitous to brand hundreds of London cabs as part of a major marketing initiative.
The new taxi campaign is the first wave in a multi-million pound targeted marketing campaign for that will be rolled out over the coming months. The campaign is designed to further increase the brand’s already strong awareness and drive even more business to its member agents.  
Unique to this campaign, each taxi has a different combination of locations on its side, with no two taxis featuring the same set of locations.

Alex Chesterman, Founder & CEO of Zoopla Property Group said:

“ is such a strong brand and has very high usage amongst its core target audience. Our plan is to continue to invest in marketing the brand and London taxis are a perfect fit. The scale of this campaign will make it hard for these cabs to be missed by house hunters living in the capital or potential overseas buyers visiting London. Our continued marketing investment is designed to ensure that we are delivering the best performance we can to our members and that we remain one of their most valued partners and sources of business.”

Andrew Barnett, Managing Director at Ubiquitous added,

“Branding numerous taxis is a great way to kick start any marketing initiative. Where taxi drivers typically look for passengers in heavily populated areas, branding cabs means marketers’ campaigns are proactively following the crowds. In this respect, the many taxis branded in PrimeLocation colours become highly effective moving billboards, working hard day and night in areas of the capital frequented by domestic and visiting populations.”

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