Toyota drives away with the top prize in Ocean’s Art of Outdoor Digital Competition

Compassion in World Farming, Heineken and Warner Brothers complete the winners

Ocean Outdoor has announced the winners of its annual The Art of Outdoor Digital competition which celebrates pioneering agencies and brands that are pushing the creative boundaries of digital out of home advertising, showcasing their content on Ocean’s extensive digital network.
Car brand Toyota is named overall winner for a campaign to promote the superb efficiency of its new Yaris Hybrid, using full motion technology and floor tiles in an interactive installation to demonstrate the power of renewable energy. The campaign was created by Glue Isobar.
Second place is awarded to the charity Compassion in World Farming for The World’s First Real Live Feed, which invites people to show their support by feeding Patsy and other free range farm pigs and make a donation to the cause via text interactivity. The campaign was created by Elvis and was showcased at the Eat Street @ Westfield site.
Third place goes to Heineken for a campaign inviting football fans to become part of the world’s largest ever team photo in the run up to the 2013 UEFA Champions League Final, and to receive their very own digital Panini sticker uploaded across a network of digital screens. The campaign was created by MediaVest.
Highly commended is awarded to Warner Brothers for a campaign marking the DVD and Blu-Ray release of the Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises. The campaign was created by Grand Visual and showcased an exceptional use of many digital formats within a campaign.
The winners were announced earlier today by Ocean Outdoor CEO Tim Bleakley at an awards ceremony at London’s IMAX, location of the largest iconic outdoor banner opportunity in the UK.
Competition entrants were judged by a panel of industry experts for their visually stimulating and innovative approaches, using digital techniques including full motion, layering, subtle motion, time sensitivity, augmented reality and data streaming.

Tim Bleakley said:

“Each year, this competition produces Cannes Lion finalists and winners. The quality of this year’s entrants is no exception and reflects the seriousness that the creative community now attaches to the potential of digital out of home. This year also saw the first entries from media agencies, once again signalling a convergence of disciplines."
“Our top four winners are all game changing campaigns which demonstrate the immediacy and relevance of knock-out installations which are simple, strong, highly scalable and likely to catch fire through their amplification well beyond their chosen sites.”

Rich Sutcliffe, Digital Development Director at Brand Republic which partners Ocean Outdoor in the competition, said:

“The depth and spread of this year’s entries is matched by the quality and strength of the big creative ideas coming through. Getting into the final set of winning entries this year was a tough call, but the scale of the winning ideas tick all the necessary boxes and exploit the unique nature of digital outdoor.”
To see this year’s winners and a creative showcase of all the entries, go to

Winner: Toyota - Yaris Hybrid

Agency:     Glue Isobar

Collaborators:    Jan Pruijser

Glue Isobar set out to demonstrate the appeal of the supermini Yaris Hybrid by creating an installation which was simple, fun and energy efficient. By partnering with PaveGen, a company which harvests energy from footsteps, the campaign deploys PaveGen’s floor tiles to demonstrate the power of renewable energy. Using Ocean’s Eat Street location to showcase Toyota’s newest hybrid car, shoppers walking past the screen and over the tiles are helping to create some of the energy to power the screen. Each time a level of energy is recycled, a Yaris Hybrid is “released” to give one lucky shopper a free ride home. To qualify for a lift, all they need to do is check in with their friends to the Yaris Facebook page.
The judges praised the entry as “a pure idea, visually presented. We have seen a new way to do interaction. Walking on something is quite unique and the use of the energy recycling tiles drives home what is a really big and clever idea.”

Second: Compassion in World Farming - the World’s First Real Live Feed

Agency:    Elvis

Collaborators:    John Treacy, Shwan Hamadi, Hannah Riley

This campaign invites the public to show their support for free range farming and better welfare standards by linking them live to a free range pig farm via Ocean’s Eat Street screen at Westfield. The public is invited to feed the pigs by texting a number for £1. They are then sent a unique URL link which connects them to an online broadcast and an accelerometer to operate a machine that scatters feed for the pigs. Once fed, a personalised message of thanks appears on the billboard, together with a phone prompt asking them to make a monthly donation to Compassion in World Farming.
The judges praised the idea of the live feed angle and the clever use of technology which would “really catch fire from a PR perspective and successfully extend the reach and appeal of the campaign.”

Third:  Heineken - UEFA Champions’ League Final 2013 Get Behind the Team

Agency:   MediaVest

As part of Heineken’s biggest activation of 2013, fans are invited to take their “rightful place” in the team line up as part of the world’s largest ever team photo. In return for uploading their photo via selected outdoor screens or social networks, fans can become part of the official team photo for the final and have their own official team photo-card sticker. Fans’ stickers are broadcast on rotation across London sites ahead of the champions’ league final and delivered back to each person for sharing. The final team photos are displayed in Wembley Way on final night and every sticker is reproduced digitally at Ocean’s Eat Street site where selected fans win a chance to go to the game. Show your printed sticker at a bar if you don’t get to the game and every fan wins a free pint of Heineken.
The judges praised the scalability of the campaign saying it “shows how digital outdoor works within a global campaign for a global brand. The idea that fans are part of the team is an absolute truth and we can see this going absolutely bananas.”

Highly Commended: Warner Bros:The Dark Knight Rises, Be Part of the Legend

Agency:        Grand Visual

Collaborators:        Neil Morris, Dan Dawson

This campaign invites Batman fans to Be Part of the Legend by creating a personalised and social experience which is designed to reinforce the DVD release date and drive pre-orders. Each digital location is deployed to its best effect, using multiple artwork, subtle motion, broken poster projections on the Two Towers and anamorphic floor graphics to recreate Gotham city across London. An Eat Street installation uses cameras to capture people’s photos and use them within personalised posters augmented with their favourite characters which will feature on outdoor screens and in online galleries.
The judges said “this is so Batman. The projection aspects using the Two Towers in particular are fantastic. This is a visually stunning campaign which makes it feel as if you really are in Gotham.”
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